Cime tempestose 2024, Laboratorio, Un libro tante scuole

Review of “Wuthering Heights”

5AL-Paolantonio Denise,Pancottini Giulia,Brandimarte Frabcesca,Kaso Amanda,Iobbi Marta,Chiassolini Ludovica,Baroni Camilla

Polo liceale statale Saffo - Roseto degli Abruzzi

Nome Scuola

Polo liceale statale Saffo

Città Scuola

Roseto degli Abruzzi

Wuthering Heights is the only novel by the English author Emily Brontë, initially published in 1847 under her pen name “Ellis Bell”. Moreover, this novel is widely considered to be one of the greatest novels ever written in English. This primacy has been found over time both by past and younger generations;indeed, our class read and studied this famous book as part of our last year’s English literature programme.

The story is set in Yorkshire, England, in the early 19th century. The novel follows the complicated relationship between Heathcliff, an orphan boy adopted by a rich family, and Catherine Earnshaw, their daughter.

The novel begins when Mr Earnshaw takes in the orphan after discovering him on the streets. He becomes close with Catherine, and they form a deep bond. However, their romance is soon tested when young Hindley, Catherine’s brother, returns home, takes over the estate and starts ill treating them.

The tension between the two brothers is palpable, and things come to a head when Catherine decides to marry Edgar Linton, a wealthy man leaving at Trushcross Grange, the nearby mansion.

Heathcliff, heartbroken, suddenly leaves.

Years later, he makes his return to Wuthering Heights now wealthy, charming and ready to seek revenge on Hindley who has always been cruel and abusive towards him.

The reader follows, through Ellen Dean’s eyes, the servant that looked after the Earnshaw family, a recount of what leads to the dismay of Wuthering Heights.

And then he will see how the younger generation of the family will deal with the consequences of a broken Heathcliff who will do everything to ruin the lives of the people who wronged him in the past, even by ill treating their heirs.


As a whole, it is possible to identify points in favor and weak ones.

One of the positive features is probably the fact that the time of the novel is quite precise;as a matter of fact it covers a period of about thirty years: from 1771 (when the main characters are children) to 1801/1802 (when Lockwood rents Thrushcross Grange).

This is considered a strong point, since it is easier for the reader to follow the story.

Furthermore, another positive feature is the repetition; in fact it seems as if nothing ends in the world of the novel.

As a matter of fact, time seems to run into cycles and even the names are recycled, since those of the younger generation resemble the names of their parents; which makes the novel interesting for the reader.

However, there are some weak points as well.

Firstly, the plot of this novel can be defined as very confusing, especially due to the names of the characters and to the events of the story, that seem to intertwine.

The novel follows a chronological order, but in some passages, such as “Back to Wuthering Heights” the narrator shifts the level of narration using present verbs, making us travel through time and have difficulties in understanding what is happening in a specificmoment.

Moreover, another weak point is given by Catherine’s behavior.

This is simply due to her duality.

In a way, she seems to love Heathcliff so much, and she even thinks that their souls are similar and that he is more herself than she is.

On the other hand Catherine seems to be caring more about her own appearance, giving more importance to the marriage with Edgar rather than a possible marriage with Heathcliff, which will degrade her.

This duality, though, will continue to be seen in the whole novel.



After reading the book and giving it an attentive analysis we certainly recommend reading such a wonderful work as Wuthering Heights is. From its amazing trope that manages to engage the reader and make him feel like he’s right there, near Nelly Dean, watching this story develop, to the touching love story between Cathy and Heathcliff that overall gives and important lesson to whoever is reading Emily Brontë’s work: true love is stronger that any marriage of convenience or any desire of revenge and true love will be the only one to stay with you, not only in life but also after death.

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